
Monday 1 July 2013

My father was jailed for refusing to let me attend school – Atiku

I don’t have a daughter out of wedlock – Benita Nzeribe

  /   in Showtime People 7:00 am   /   Comments
Benita Nzeribe started out as a teen star in Nollywood and later grew into adulthood long before the industry started experiencing the boom it now enjoys. Though quick to say she got into the industry by accident, the light-complexioned beau has carved a niche for herself. That is why her endorsement as Ambassador for two separate institutions is not a surprise. In this interview, she talks about her career, endorsements and refutes the rumour making the rounds that she has a love child.
Benita Nzeribe started out as a teen star in Nollywood and later grew into adulthood long before the industry started experiencing the boom it now enjoys. Though quick to say she got into the industry by accident, the light-complexioned beau has carved a niche for herself. That is why her endorsement as Ambassador for two separate institutions is not a surprise. In this interview, she talks about her career, endorsements and refutes  the rumour making the rounds that she has a love child.
It seems your love for acting has vanished ?
How do you mean ? I’m still and will remain an actress.
But you’ve been away  from the big screen for some time now. What have you been up to ?
I was really not away . One thing about entertainment is that no one ever leaves it . I have been around and I’m active. I do jobs that come my way but I am a very patient person and not swayed at all . I have not been away from the big screen. I just have a different project and responsibility on my shoulders and I’m moving on by the grace of God .
What are some of those projects you’re currently handling ?
As you very well know,  I am a UN Peace Ambassador and as such stand for world peace . Ambassadors work towards peace from the grassroots. Personally, I am more convinced than ever before that there should be peace in the inner mind of every human being created by God. Sadly, not every human being has been able to discover that inner mind and access the peace that is much needed for  its growth and development for success .
World peace is still a tall order in our world today.  However, nothing is impossible with God . I shall continue to call on Him for strength and direction as I pursue this awesome assignment. World peace must be achieved to an impressive  percentage .
Benita Nzeribe - Love and relationships are personal.......
Benita Nzeribe
Secondly, as the Air Safety Ambassador of Nigeria which was bestowed on me by the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), there is also a job to do . The aviation sector has recorded huge achievements under this present administration . Furthermore, I will be on location in less than two weeks from now  for the shoot of their international classic  TV commercial, It’s a big project; I can tell you that .
Also, I am presently recording the Malta Guinness Low Sugar Game show with Emeka Enyiocha as my co- presenter . It’s hitting the screen soon and I can tell you, it’s going to be a great show . I will be on location immediately after the NAMA TVC and thereafter, I will embark on an official trip out of the country as NAMA Ambassador .
How did you secure all these deals?
Well, let’s say that it’s God at work and the fruits of my labour  as an actress
On the UN Ambassadorship, I was called upon to come and receive it. The fact that I grew from a teenager to an adult in Nollywood and have contributed to the growth of the industry and written my name in gold opened those doors for me .
So you must be swimming in money now ?.
Swimming in money? Hmm. Well, I have always believed in sacrifice first before reaping, and that has worked out well for me. God has been putting smiles on my face little by little. I must appreciate Him for that. But swimming in money? Not yet.
So what was growing up like for you?
Growing up was fun because I have disciplined parents. I went to a Convent school and I think that explains how I came about my disciplined self.
Could you share  with us some  of those boring experiences  you had while growing?
All I can remember  is that all the partying that has to do with teens was never part of my experience. But I guess, it helped me to keep disciplined till date.
Do you regret not being allowed to enjoy your childhood days?
I don’t feel like I missed out at all. In fact, it’s rare to see me in a night club because I have been fashioned that way. It’s not like I’m saying it’s wrong to party, everyone should just do whatever makes them happy.
Since you attended a Convent school, how did you come about acting?
My getting into acting was never planned. My debut role in ‘Beyond Our Dreams’ was just meant to be.
So, acting was an accidental thing for you. What were you doing before acting?

*Benita at an event
*Benita at an event
I was in school then. So, my girlfriend and I came to Lagos for holidays in my elder brother’s house, Hon.Chuma Nzeribe. One day,  we decided to just stroll around for sight seeing and we stumbled on  an audition for a soap. We wanted to just see what they were up to and why so many people gathered there. It was curiosity and one thing led to another. I was called upon to be tried because they were actually searching for that character of a female lead. I was auditioned and the rest is history.
I heard you wanted to be a Reverend Sister?
That’s not true. I just went to a Convent school because my father believed there is more discipline and a better quality of education there. I didn’t attend the school because I was aspiring to be a Reverend Sister.
So, weren’t your parents disappointed that you chose acting after  the discipline and values instilled in you at the Convent school?
There was nothing to feel disappointed about. It’s a profession just like every other one. My parents are educated so they understood that I was doing my job. I have my limits as an African woman.
What are your limits?
I can never go naked!
I overheard you calling someone ‘Daddy’ on the phone?
Ha! that was my father in the Lord, my pastor.
So, who is the lucky man?
Soon, you will find out.
Does that mean there’s a man in your life?
I’m sure you don’t expect me to have a woman in my life. Well, it’s not yet ripe to talk about that for now. But I’ll surely inform you at the right time.
How’s your daughter doing?
My daughter? Which daughter? Where is the daughter and from whom? This is really funny, and the first time ever a journalist will be asking me about a daughter. I have none for now but will definitely get one once I’m married. Don’t be in a hurry.
But we learnt that you’re a single mother
Wow! I’m not, please. That’s definitely not true. Why would I hide my blood from anyone if I had a daughter? Children are blessings from God so I would flaunt her to the world if I did. Relax, I will soon get there by God’s Grace. People saying that should take a chill pill and wait.
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Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar
Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar stunned his audience in far away Geneva, Switzerland when he recalled how his late father was jailed for refusing to let him attend school in his hometown of Jada, Adamawa State.

The former Vice President made the startling revelation yesterday in remarks he made on the occasion of the conferment of an honorary doctorate degree on him by the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations.

“When my father was put in jail by local authorities because he needed my assistance with herding the livestock, it seemed like a harsh punishment,” Atiku reminisced.

He, however, noted “were he to be alive to witness this day (yesterday) and the last 30 or so years of my life I am sure that he would exclaim “wow! Education pays after all.”"

The founder of the American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola recalled that as a young lad growing up in his rustic village of Jada, he had dreams, but that it was education that made his dreams come true.
According to him, “education is what brought me in contact with members of the United States of America’s Peace Corps when I was still a little boy; a contact and interaction that would have profound impact on my life, especially my love for education and service.”

While underscoring the imperative of education to personal growth and development, the former Vice President said it gave him the friends he made across Nigeria as he attended high school and university; gave him a job in the Nigerian civil service; and provided him with opportunities to meet and form more life-long friendships from across the world.

Atiku Abubakar attributed the modest achievements he has made in business and politics and the contributions in improving the lives of others to education.

He stressed that education is what has informed his determination to give back to society, especially through education.

He noted that the centrality of education in the improvement of the human condition is one reason why public policy must seek to always improve the quality of and access to public education everywhere in the world, especially in developing countries like Nigeria.

He advised parents not to choose career options for their children but allow them to discover their innate potentials by charting their own preferred discipline.

“A young friend of mine, who heads the human resources department of an organization in Nigeria, called me up one night about seven months ago and said he came across an application for employment by one of my children and wondered whether I consented to my child applying to work in that organization.

“I asked why he needed to clear that with me first and he said he thought that I would prefer that my child works in one of my establishments. I then told him that I do not choose careers for my children. I owe them good education; I support them to acquire good education. What they do thereafter is up to them as adults,” Atiku said.

Others who received honorary doctorate degrees from the same institution are Oguz Demiralp, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Director General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and Honorary Dean of the Geneva School of Diplomacy.
Source: Premium Times

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