
Tuesday 25 December 2012

Know What Christ Says

What Christ says
•As Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth, Nigerians should emulate his life and words
The gospels tell the story of a little child born in a manger in an air laden with prophesies. He was born in today’s Middle East in what is called Bethlehem, took shelter in Africa under the shadow of a persecuting King, grew up outside the spotlight of men and governments, took a baptismal vow and became a prophet, bishop, chief shepherd, a mighty God, rode on a colt in the subdued glamour of his day, challenged authorities, both temporal and spiritual, became an authority spiritual over temporal, proselitised love but had little love for hypocrites.

He lived both loved and reviled, and died on the Cross of Calvary only to defy the law of nature with a resurrection. While on earth, he had defied nature with his miracles: the deaf heard, the blind saw, the lame walked. With that fit, he became King to his followers worldwide. His name inspires worship on all continents of the world, and in all generations since he passed away from this earth.

His name, Jesus Christ, is the wellspring of hope and peace to many in the world, and this faith known as Christianity has triumphed the malice of kings, the age of despots, the inquiry of agnostics and atheists, the gauntlets of wars, the materialism of the self-indulgent. As author E.E. kellet wrote, though he has gone to heaven, he is a “man of amazing impressiveness, force and charm… he still goes about doing good.”

It is that good that he personifies that we commend to fellow Nigerians today. He was a man of principle who would not yield to the principle of the majority or the permissiveness of the hour. His famous line was “let your yea be yea and your nay nay.”

This contrasts with the temper of today’s Nigeria, where we compromise principle at will. Whether in the high realm of policy, or in the grind of business or the casual atmosphere of family, we have lived a life of easy virtue as a nation. The past year was one of great peril to those who succeed and sweet adventure to those who preyed on them.

We saw the hate spread in many areas. It was a year where those who held on to one system of beliefs would not live with those who held on to another. Christ called peace to all and that was why he proclaimed: “Peace I live with you, the peace I give unto you, not as the world gives give I unto you.”

The flame of hate razed down both churches and mosques, silenced innocents to death in markets and roadsides, threatened business and shattered rustic peace, burned schools and sanctified bloodshed.

There was also corruption, where a few who had connection turned the resources that belonged to all into private equity and were exposed. As the year ends, we are not sure who will suffer the consequences of their deeds because it is not clear whether those in authority want to dance out of the ritual of investigation into the brutal truths of punishment.

Those who stoked ethnic bias, who pursued people from place to place creating the curious paradox of refugees within our country, should understand that this season is for them. They will have to contend with the words of Christ who urged all to love their neighbours. “Love,” according to his most exponent apostle Paul, “works no ill against his neighbour. Therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.”

As many eat, drink, laugh and hug in the course of the day, we recall that Christ has a recipe in his life for a better and prosperous Nigeria. And it is in that spirit that we wish all a merry Christmas.

Source: The Nation

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