
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Wonder milk powder heals 3,500 barren pilgrims at Milk Grotto Church, Bethlehem

ARE you a woman who is looking unto the Lord for the gift of the womb? Have you been  married for so long and having difficulty in getting pregnant ? 

 At a serene environment behind the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine  is planted a Holy Church christened Milk Grotto Church. The church is built to honour Mother Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is located within the confines of St Catherine’s Fransciscan Monastery.

It gives no sign of any miraculous significance except the statue of Mary which is enclosed in a glass box and fixed at the front top of the church. 

According to investigation,  the original church was built during the crusade , then destroyed but rebuilt by the Franscian order in 187.

Several stories connected to this holy site have been transisted from generations to generations and visitors have been known to carry chips from the old cave as relics.

According to a Sixth Century tradition, the Virgin Mary hid there with her new born baby on her flight to Egypt to escape the massacre of the male children of Bethlehem  an event that was ordered by King Herod which is known as the slaughter of the innocents.

According to the tradition, while Virgin Mary was nursing her child, a drop of milk landed on the rock where she was sitting and that has become a source of many miracles.

The Monks at the Monastery have realised that the powder from this rock which a drop of milk from Virgin Mary landed is potent at opening the womb of hitherto sterile women.

The powder is called MiLk Grotto “Rock Powder.”

This  powder which has been packaged into sachets for sale at ridiculous price  has reportedly opened the wombs of over 3, 500 hitherto barren women.

The data was collected through those who have used the powder and gave testimonies about the potency of the powder.

Tribuune Tourism Magazine which was at the site saw on the wall, photographs, letters and notes of over 2000 people  who have used the powder and had worked for them.

This holy site enjoys a high patronage as this reporter counted over 150 women of different age grades buying the powder from the Monk .

In a brief chat with TTM,  the Monk who was in charge said “ It has been a miracle which we cannot explain. The rock powder has been so wonderful at opening the wombs of sterile women. The price attached to the powder is just to offset the packaging cost  and maintain the Monastery.”

He also disclosed that “the powder also cleanses  people of  other ailments in  mysterious ways. As you can read  the testimony of the man who claimed that the powder has healed him of protracted prostate cancer and some women who sent messages of being healed of  fibroid after using the powder.

Source: Tribune

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