
Monday 26 August 2013


The popular Yoruba actor, Chief Lere Paimo widely known as Eda who is also the acting Chairman Board of Trustees of Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners (ANTP) recently debunk rumours doing the rounds on his state of health.

In an interview with Tribune he opened on crisis rocking ANTP and other issues among others. Read more here…  
You are the acting chairman, Board of Trustees of the Association of Nigeria Practitioners (ANTP), what part are you playing as one of the elders to put an end to the age-long crisis dwarfing the progress of the association?
I have always made efforts to ensure that peace returns into our association. My priority is to reform and ensure that the truth prevails. I believe any member who had not or made an attempt to kill one another’s child can contest for any post in the association. But some mischievous elements want to remain in power at all costs and this ugly development has pulled the association backward. We are making necessary efforts to correct the wrongs and return to the right track so as to ensure the truth prevails.

It was said that a faction rose against you because you were in support of another candidate. How true is this?
It was not because we supported or routed for a particular faction that caused it; they are the bad eggs who started the whole thing. They were the first to go to court, and if you want to know an irresponsible person, an issue that had not gotten to a stage where the court is the next step, they went to file a case. That is what they do. They were annoyed because they knew we were saying the truth and we will not stop telling the truth; we won’t take their lies because they met us in the system.

It seems the former president, Jide Kosoko is also not on your side...
Jide Kosoko is the brain behind the whole chaos in the association. He was the former president of the association who refused to step down despite the fact that his tenure had lapsed. He stood to install his successor, but the elders were against his decision. He cannot dictate to us. Members of the association have the collective right to elect whoever they want in power. According to a Yoruba adage: “Omode ti o ba ni tagba bawo, oko iparun lo n lo.”Any young person who tries to deride his elders is heading for destruction.

Are you saying that the elders and the entire association did not support Jide Kosoko’s intention to bring in a successor?
No matter how brilliant his successor is, under any circumstances, he does not have the right to impose him on us. The association has the collective responsibility and absolute right to vote in whoever the members want. We did not welcome the idea because he wanted to monopolise the idea. We are against his decision. He is not the type that will be dictating in the midst of us. His pieces of advice or suggestions are always welcomed, but he is always on the verge of making decisions and dictating to the association.

Are you aware that this age-long crisis is affecting the progress of your association?
I want to assure you that the crisis will soon be over, it is normal for an association to encounter challenges . We will regain all what we have lost while the crisis lasted. People know that ANTP still exists. We don’t want anybody to panic. Our worry is for those that are nursing fears; I want to use this opportunity to appeal to them. Our major goal is that the truth should prevail and I am sure that we will get over the current challenges and move on to the next phase.

Some members of the association still regard Jide Kosoko as the president. How would you explain this?
It is the novice and members of his faction within the association that still recognise him as the president. His four years tenure had lapsed; he has handed over his office, how could he still be recognised as the president?

Can you tell us your candidate between the duo of Dele Odule and Victor Ashaolu?
It is not that I am supporting anyone, but I will always throw my support behind whoever is ready to serve the association with a pure mind and most importantly, someone who is ready to tell the truth and respects the elders of the association. We don’t and will not support a self-centered leader. Comrade Victor Ashaolu has proved and laid a precedent. He is truthful.

Do you mean Dele Odule is not truthful?
I did not say he is not truthful, but respecting the elders is the most important thing.

So he lacks respect?
He doesn’t respect the elders enough. He cannot be dictating to us. We won’t take that.

What is the  latest about the court case now?
The hearing of the case comes up in few months time and the judgment would be delivered. We will all accept the judgment in good faith. I know God is not behind the wicked, no matter what. I am very sure that the truth will prevail.

What’s your advice for the aspiring youths that also want to join the folk?
I want to urge them to always show their talents positively, and most importantly, they should respect the elders. They should have positive minds towards the progress of the association. They must also be conscious of the passion for the job and not crave for money alone.

Taking a look at the trend of the movies we have today, it appears like comedy films have displaced typical traditional movies, are you also looking into this?
That’s part of what we are saying-they don’t give them to the experts. They consider and work on their thoughts only. I could remember vividly when we started; the moment we had an idea or scripts, we took them to experts and elders to also take a look at them and give their professional advice. We didn’t say we know it all. We are urging our crop of young producers and actors to turn a new leaf.  A lot of things are wrong, the titles they give their movies and their costumes are nothing to go by.

Back to why you were here. What do you think is responsible for the rumours doing the rounds that you were paralysed and even dead?
Those who are spreading the rumours are agents of devil. They have been doing this for so long. Despite the fact that they were cautioned, they still went ahead to peddle false rumour on social media that my  health condition had gone from bad to worse and that I am dead. I think one of the things that brought about this is the crisis between the factions of the leadership of the association. They want to tarnish my image because they felt I am supporting the other faction.  As you can see, I drove myself to your office all the way from my house. Can a paralysed or a dead person drive? I want to thank God that their wish did not prevail over me, the rest should be theirs. I am hale and hearty; I am neither paralysed nor dead. I want to use this medium to clear the air and inform my fans and the general public that nothing is wrong with me. I am very sound.

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