
Monday 17 June 2013

Why I can’t do without low cut — Tope Oshin-Ogun

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Tope Oshin-Ogun
Tope Oshin-Ogun is a Theatre Arts graduate and has been in the entertainment industry for over a decade. She started as an actress but later abandoned acting for directing and producing. The multiple- awards-winning filmmaker, in this interview with TAYO GESINDE speaks on her 11 years marital experience and her fashion preferences. Excerpts:

Growing up.
Some people will say dull but it wasn’t really dull. I come from a Christian family, so we didn’t do a lot of socialising. We would go to school and return home to do whatever needed to be done. So, there wasn’t any socialising or partying for us.

Foray into the entertainment industry.
 I started acting in 1997 and was an actress for about 12 years and featured in movies like Accursed, Whatever it takes and Heritage by Tade Ogidan. I am now into directing and producing. I have produced five movies. I can’t say it was one film that specifically brought   me to limelight because I had different responses and got different things from them. I was a director on Tinsel for five years and that brought its own level of recognition mainly because I was the only female director, the other three were men and in this part of the world, we are not used to having female directors, so people were like,” “oh!  She is a girl” and the show itself is popular.
On my awards.
My short films, The Young Smokers and Till Death Do Us Part, brought multiple awards, for two years back to back. IN-Short Film Festival, Worldwide Festival of Extreme Cinema, Mexico, my first two films won best film award. I also won the best director award. I got the best actress for my lead actress twice. Last year, at the Abuja Int’l  Film Festival, I won the best director.  I also got audience choice awards at another festival.

Combining my career with the home front.
I will say I am particularly blessed because I have a husband who is in the same field with me and who is very understanding. Also, I have wonderful children so, we all work together to make sure the family does not suffer.

Philosophy of life.
I believe whatever your hands find to do, do it well as unto the Lord, because you never know where that is going to lead you. So, for me, whatever I put my hands on, I make sure I do it very well. I’m a perfectionist, my husband always makes fun of me concerning that. I just believe in doing things well. So, apart from God, this philosophy has gotten me to where I am today, because I am known for being perfect and thorough in whatever I do.

Description of self.
First and foremost, I am a child of God. I am reserved. I am not quite open, as I am selective about the people I let into my close circle. I’m not flamboyant or loud. I’m very much a personal and family person.

Definition of style.
Style for me should be comfortable. It should be elegant and respectable. So, whatever I decide to wear, it must be elegant, comfortable and I must look respectable in it.

Beauty regimen.
 Nothing much. I wash, cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise.

Choice of accessories.
I like unusual accessories. I’m not a fan of yellow gold, I prefer silver, white gold or stainless. I like the unusual, I don’t like what you can find anywhere else. I like things that are unique. I can use beads necklace but not earrings.

Favourite designers.
I’m not so much a designer-person. I go for whatever makes me comfortable, elegant and stylish, whoever makes it, I don’t care.

Favourite colours.
I don’t have a favourite colour.  I love wearing dark colour clothes, black and brown. You will find a lot of them in my wardrobe.

Favourite perfume.
Bvlgari and Gucci by Gucci.

Opinion on toning.
I’m not a big fan of it but if it works for the people who do it, then, so be it. They should do whatever make  them happy. I will rather moisturise and protect what I have than try to change my skin tone to become someone else.

On cosmetic surgery.
For the people that have done it, there are lots of philosophies, some say it has given them a new lease of life, made them attractive again and all that. I have never done it and I don’t think I ever will. But if it makes them happy, if it makes them sleep at night, I will say go for it but it is not what I will personally want to do. There is nothing on me that I made by myself so I don’t know why I will want to change anything and go for cosmetic surgery.

My take on provocative dressing.
I’m not a fan of it. I will not do it but it makes some people comfortable, it makes them feel sexy. I believe sexiness is in the mind. It is in how you reason, how your mind works and how you converse and discuss not what you look like. You don’t have to trendy to be sexy.

What I won’t be caught dead wearing.
 I won’t be caught dead wearing indecent dresses.

 Special treat.
I go to the cinemas because I love watching movies a lot. I read books and spend time with my family.

Role model.
Different people for different reasons. One of them is Mo Abudu. I’ve worked with her a couple of times and one thing that has always drawn me to her is her goal-getting spirit. She doesn’t believe that anything is impossible. There is no No in her dictionary. She goes, she achieves, and she gets everything.

Most expensive item in my wardrobe.
I can’t easily think of that.

Keeping fit.
From time to time, I try to watch my calorie intake. I do exercise as much as my schedule allows me to.

Greatest physical asset.
My brain because with it, I am able to achieve much more than anyone could. With it, I am able to carve a niche for myself.

My hair and nails.
 My hair is always short because it is convenient and I am comfortable with it. Most of the times, I like to keep my nails short and natural, the way they are but once in a while when I want to attend events and want to look glamorous, I fix and paint them.

On married life.
The secret I will say is God and a partner who believes in marriage as much as I do. When two people are in a marriage and you have different beliefs and goals, you will have discord in the marriage.
It is very important to my husband as well to keep a harmonious home and keep it under the dictate of God. It’s been eleven years. It has not been a joy ride all through, it has been a ride of experiences, of bitterness, of joy, sweetness. Above all, I will say God and a partner that works in line with God’s words.

Source: Tribune

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