
Wednesday 19 June 2013

“Sango remains my most challenging role,” Sango star

wale adebayo on sango set
Wale Adebayo
Wale Adebayo became a popular face in the Nigerian movie Industry after playing the lead actor in the epic movie, Sango the legendary African king.  Since the huge success of the flick, the actor had also played corporal Francis in one of Wale Adenuga’s TV series, Super story.
A Law graduate from Obafemi Awolowo University Ife, Wale, who stands tall as a director and Actor maintained in this interview with Movie MomentsMutiat Alli, that no role can e compared to his first major movie role as Sango. 

Which among your works is your favorite and why?
My favourite movie till date will be my debut film which is Sango The legendary African King by Femi Lasode, reason being that I have not been involved in any other movie that has that passion and strength.

What inspires your creativity?
Well for me am a child of nature and my environment is of the essence, I tap into everything around me to fuel and enhance my creativity because what comes out of you most times is what goes into you one way or another.
wale adebayo
If you are not doing what you are doing now as a profession, what would you have done?
I would have been practicing Law, the profession I went to the university to study.
If you could go back in time and tell a younger version of yourself one thing, what would you tell?
I will tell my younger version “When that fame comes and I know it will please be better prepared to handle and take advantage of it.
If your biography is to be commissioned, what will you want as the title and why?
Wale Adebayo “the gentle giant” well that explains it all I think.
wale adebayo on sango set - Copy
What is it that you want to put straight and for the records of the press and publics?
Well the fact that am answering these questions already shows that am alive dispelling the rumour that my enemy had died after shooting the movie sango, also I am not a practicing lawyer yet, but I am a graduate from the faculty of Law Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-ife Osun state Nigeria. Anything else I remember I will forward to you guys (laughs).
How do you cope with opposite sex and what do you have to tell them?
I cope well they are my biggest inspiration and always have good words to make you feel good with yourself or hash criticism that will make you sit up and achieve your set goals so I truly value them a lot and I don’t let them forget it.
Do you enjoy your celebrity star status?
Well let’s say that it has its perks, some doors that would otherwise be shut against you are opened and stays opened so I must with no equanimity say it is interesting having a celeb status.
What haven’t you been asked before? Say it and answer the question
Do I feel fulfilled with where I am right now in the Nigerian Movie Industry? Answer is no I want to continue to play a major active role in the industry and God willing I will be around for a long time to come. Thanks for having me and My name remains Wale Adebayo: Actor, Director, Filmmaker.

Source: MOMO

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