
Thursday 21 March 2013

Why I don’t wear full pants - Bunmi Nelson

Bunmi Jedidiah Nelson, a Theatre Arts graduate of  Lagos State University (LASU), who is popularly  known as Sexy Choco, is an actress and a producer. The Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of House of Euphoria, a fashion outfit  located in Lekki, Lagos State, in this interview with TAYO GESINDE, says she loves to act, drive, cook and kiss. Excerpts:

Growing up.
GROWING up was splendid. I grew up at Ajao Estate in Lagos. I am the sixth in a family of nine. My dad spoilt us silly. He was fond of showering us with gifts to bribe us for not always being around as he used to travel a lot, he was always travelling out of the country back then. I was very mischievous and was never tired of playing pranks. My parents and siblings are abroad now. I attended the popular A/Z International School owned by Princess Bola Jegede. I attended Kwara State Polythecnic and later proceeded to Lagos State University where I studied Theatre Arts. I also attended the Nigerian French Language Village, Badagry. I am planning to further my education by attending New York Film Academy in the United States to study filming, directing and cinematography.

Foray into acting.
I have always loved acting. I had a flair for it right from childhood. My sister and I loved watching Indian movies a lot and used to mimic some of the popular stars. So, I would say it all started in the 80’s. In 1999, I presented a TV programme ‘Youths to Youths.’ I later joined the Actors Guild of Nigeria officially on December 16, 2000 and since then, I’ve not looked back. My first movie was Silver Lining. I have featured in over 50 movies and the  most challenging one is ‘Oko Oloko.’ The role I played there was different from my regular roles, I had to play an obsessed secretary who was very domineering and wicked.

Description of self.
I am adventurous, nice, loving and caring. I am a great cook, very romantic, God fearing , strong-willed and a hardworking lady. In fact, I am a force to reckon with and  a brain on two legs. I love to act,   drive long distance, kiss and cook.

Philosophy of life.
Live and let live.

Definition of style.
Style to me means suave, posh, panache and aura. My style is sexy with a bit of finesse. When I want to buy my fashion ensembles, I go for things that are distinct enough to make anyone look at me twice. When it comes to fashion trend, I just roll with the flow. My fashion watchword is: Looking good is good business.

Favourite designers.
Lanre da-Silva and Alexander Mcqueen.

Favourite colours.
My favourite colours are orange, pink, purple and red.

Favourite perfumes.
Vera Wang, Estee Lauder and Michael Kors.

Choice of accessories.
I love chandelier earrings and neck chokers with embellishment as well as cocktail rings and square bangles.

Accessory I can’t do without when going out.
My rings.

Most expensive items in my wardrobe.
My shoes and purses.

Beauty regimen.
Nothing spectacular.  I wash my face before going to bed with water or cleanser (can’t be caught sleeping with make-up on, except when I’m extremely tired or fatigued). I make sure I use good skincare products).
I scarcely do make-up, except when I’m on set.  People prefer me without make-up. I also know that I am more beautiful with my natural looks. I go for facials and massage quarterly.

What I won’t be caught dead wearing.
Full pants. I wear g-string.

My hair and nails.
When it comes to my hair, it is Mohawk. While I wrap my nails.

Opinion on toning.
It is repulsive. It is true that, that is what is in vogue now, I follow some trends but definitely not that one because we all know its end result.

Tattoo or piercing.
Tattoo because that is what I have on some parts of my body. My tattoo symbolises love because I’m romantic.

My take on cosmetic surgery.
It is nice when you do it initially, but the end justifies the means.

Provocative dressing.
It is okay but it should not be done in excess. For instance, I can show a  bit of the cleavage but that is all.

Greatest physical assets.
My eyes and lips.

Diet or exercise.
 I do both, though I am more into dieting than exercise.

Special treat.
Shop for myself.

Marital status.
I am single. My kind of guy must be handsome, have a great sense of humour, neat, accommodating, kind, hardworking, romantic and a great kisser. He must also love the things of God.

Coping with male admirers.
You can’t bite more than you can chew so, despite my many male admirers, I just keep them as friends, no strings attached.

Favourite pastime.
Cooking, driving and travelling.

Advice on how to stay young and beautiful.
Eat fresh and good food, fruits, exercise a lot and go to the spa if you can afford it, use good cosmetics or deodorant, and also avoid multiple sex partners (stick to one if you can) to avoid wrinkle, aging and sagging.

Pains and gains of being an actress.
The pain is that you don’t have a private life of your own anymore and you get hurt when papers tell lies about you or fabricate stories about you. The gain on the other hand is that being a star opens many doors for you. You will also be celebrated as you will have loads of fans.

Negative press.
I have never had negative press because I stay out of trouble.

Secret of beauty.
If I tell you the secret of my beauty, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.

On actresses dating married men.
Different strokes for different folks. But not in all cases.  Personally, I can’t say because in life, you can never say never.

Drinking or smoking.
I drink liquor occasionally.

To my fans.
If you try initially and you don’t succeed, try, try and try again! Be determined and focused, bearing it in mind that God doesn’t give you a vision without a provision. I’m thankful to all those who believed in me, it is because of them that I’m where I am today. I love them all.tribune

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