
Thursday 14 March 2013

What women don't want: 'Can I put my head between your boobs?'

What women don't want: 'Can I put my head between your boobs?'

Telegraph Wonder Women's weekly team-up with The Everyday Sexism Project reveals 10 women's different experiences throughout the week.

Here are 10 accounts by women of all different ages from across the UK that happened in the seven days:
A boy I am friends with on Facebook just put his status: "How many man points would I get for raping Cheryl Cole?"

Being called a “cheeky girl” by a senior male colleague when I corrected him over a work matter!! Excuse me while I implode with frustration! What makes it even more absurd is I am 47!!!
In one recent job, a male peer used to comment on how my arse looked everyday. The men around me found it funny.
People asking if another vicar is available for wedding/funeral: “Nothing personal but we'd prefer a man”.
Men I've never seen before feel it’s OK to tell me I have great boobs, big boobs, a nice rack - or in the case of one bloke who actually said: “I'd like to put my head between them". I KNOW I have big boobs. I live with them everyday. I don't care what you think of my body... I have NEVER pointed out a man’s penis to him (they vary in size immensely don't they?).
Walking into your first computing lesson, only to realise you are the only female in the room. Upon sitting down, the guy next to you asks if you are lost and then jokes that you must've signed up for the class in order to learn how to use a microwave and fridge.
When I say "tickets please" the correct answer is NOT: "I'd rather give you a kiss".
Whilst on the Tube travelling to work one morning, a male placed his hand on my bum and started to squeeze. I am incredibly strong, so grabbed his wrist in a killer grip, and held his hand up. I exclaimed: “I found this hand on my bottom. Does anybody know who it belongs to?” He, meanwhile, was trying to free his hand, but I had a good grip!
That's right dude, I'm the one paying you, but you should shake my dad's hand and say “pleasure doing business with you sir”.
My boss telling me, whilst travelling to a meeting, that “it's a standard requirement for him to know whether his senior managers are sexually active”. Then proceeding to try to kiss me
-         The telegraph

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