
Friday 29 March 2013

Gay Marriage: US Supreme Court to Decide


The US Supreme Court begins historic hearings on gay marriage Tuesday in what campaigners say could be the most significant moment ever in the battle for equality.
The highest court in the land will hear arguments over California's 2008 ban on gay marriage and the Defence of Marriage Act, which prevents the federal government recognising gay marriages even in states where they are legal, reports Sky News.

Opponents say both breach the US Constitution which guarantees Americans equal protection under the law.
The court has a wide range of options but campaigners say its rulings, which are expected in the summer, could mark a breakthrough for the gay rights movement across the country.
California's ban came into effect after voters in the state backed what was called 'Proposition 8' in 2008. It came shortly after the state had legalised same-sex marriage.
Stuart Gaffney, who led the initial challenge to 'Prop 8', says the public mood is very different now - and that nationwide legalisation is inevitable.
He told Sky News: "Marriage is a fundamental right and we believe the right to marry the person you love is guaranteed by the US Constitution.
"Just a few years ago people looking at this issue thought 'maybe in my lifetime'. Now there's no question, it is in our lifetimes, it is right around the corner, it is just a question of how soon."
Stuart and his partner, John Lewis, have flown from San Francisco to Washington DC for the hearings, and rallies and protests are planned across the country as the justices deliberate.
US President Barack Obama confirmed his support for gay marriage last year after long resisting calls to do so, saying his views were "evolving".
Although opinion polls show the public mood has shifted in the last decade towards supporting gay marriage, there remains strong opposition.
Peter Sprigg, of the Family Research Council, told Sky News: "The definition of marriage upholds an ideal and that ideal is for children to be born to and raised by their own biological mother and father.
"If we change the definition of marriage we change the ideal and that will inevitably in the long run change the behaviour of some people in society."
In the Castro district of San Francisco, the largest gay neighbourhood in the United States, they expect to be celebrating the rulings from the Supreme Court.
Gerard Koskovich, historian at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender Museum in the Castro, told Sky News that this is a "signal moment" for campaigners after more than 40 years of work.
Last week, the state of Colorado made civil unions legal. Nine states along with Washington DC have legalised same-sex marriage but 31 have constitutional amendments banning it.

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