
Thursday 3 January 2013

Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt Backs Gay Marriage

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt
The Oscar winner’s mellifluous voice stars in a commercial for the Human Rights Campaign, an organization also endorsed by Brad Pitt.

Morgan Freeman is lending his instantly recognizable voice to narrate a new Human Rights Campaign ad supporting same-sex marriage.

The Oscar-winning actor intones in a new 30-second spot. “Now, across our country, we are standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love. And with historic victories for marriage, we’ve delivered a mandate for full equality. The wind is at our back but our journey has just begun.”

The ad began airing sometimes in the latter days of November and continued throughout the week. Freeman’s narration highlights footage of same-sex couples, the Statue of Liberty and Martin Luther King’s historic Washington rally.

The commercial coincides with a pending decision by the Supreme Court on whether it will review California’s Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage. A decision is expected to have arrived.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman
Earlier this year, Freeman weighed in on the subject in an interview with Newsweek, saying: “I grew up in the South but I started dancing in my twenties when I got out of the Air Force, and studying dance, you’re surrounded by gay guys all the time. You get to know them and you have to shift gears!”

Last month, ahead of Election Day, President Obama’s campaign released an ad called “Challenges,” featuring Freeman’s silky baritone. “There are still challenges to meet. Children to educate, a middle-class to rebuild. But the last thing we should is turn back now,” he said in the clip, which has since amassed more than one million views on YouTube.

Freeman is one of many Hollywood stars who have been vocal in their support of gay marriage and other hot-button social issues. In October, Brad Pitt donated $100,000 to the Human Rights Campaign’s National Marriage Fund.
Source: MOMO

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